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美国数学会 Mathematical Reviews 评论员(编号:117847),Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics 期刊学术编辑,Applied and Computational Mathematics 期刊编委,Mathematics and Computer Science 期刊编委,Advances in International Applied Mathematics 期刊编委,International Journal of Applied & Exprimental Mathematics 期刊编委,中国青年统计学家协会理事,长期担任 SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics、Linear Algebra and its Applications、Linear and Multilinear Algebra、Computers & Mathematics with Applications、The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 等SCI期刊审稿人。
1. 高阶稀疏矩阵数值特性研究
2. 稀疏系统保结构并行计算
3. 微分方程数值解
4. 稀疏统计学习