

I conduct research in the field of computational systems biology, with focus on identification of collaborative patterns between genes, cells, and tissue substructure using single-cell and spatial omics data. As an independent first author, my previous studies were published in high-impact journals including Nature Methods (2023, IF=48, CytoCommunity algorithm), Science Advances (2021, IF=14, CytoTalk algorithm), and Nature Communications (2019, IF=17, OptiCon algorithm). Among them,

(1) The CytoCommunity algorithm is the first computational tool that can perform both unsupervised and supervised analysis of single-cell spatial omics data. It enables the discovery of condition-specific tissue cellular neighborhoods and their communication patterns across variable spatial scales.

(2) The CytoTalk algorithm has been rated as one of the representative methods for cell-cell communication analysis and has been selected as an expert-recommended method for single-cell data analysis in the top review journal Nature Review Genetics.

(3) The OptiCon algorithm enables de novo identification of combination therapy targets and has been successfully applied in a pre-clinical study at the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia.

Research Interests:

(1) Cell-Cell Communication Modeling

Based on single-cell multi-omics data, we use graph mining and machine learning techniques to define and identify cell-cell communication patterns, such as construction of cell-cell communication signaling networks.

(2) Tissue Architecture Discovery

Different cells communicate and collaborate within a tissue based on some "unknown rules" to form multiple organized tissue cellular neighborhoods (TCNs), thereby implementing the function of the entire tissue or organ. Therefore, accurate identification of TCNs is of great importance for a deeper understanding of life systems. We use cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies such as deep learning to digitally decode the spatial composition rules of tissues based on spatial multi-omics data.

(3) Quantitative Analysis of Tumor Immunity

Using computational tools of cell-cell communication modeling and tissue architecture analysis to quantify the immune system of tumor patients and identify biomarkers for tumor diagnosis and prognosis, as well as potential targets for combination immunotherapy.

Selected Publications:

  • [1] Yuxuan Hu, Jiazhen Rong, Yafei Xu, Runzhi Xie, Jacqueline Peng, Lin Gao, Kai Tan. Unsupervised and supervised discovery of tissue cellular neighborhoods from cell phenotypes. Nature Methods, 2023, Accepted.

  • [2] Yuxuan Hu, Tao Peng, Lin Gao, Kai Tan. CytoTalk: De novo construction of signal transduction networks using single-cell transcriptomic data. Science Advances, 2021, 7: eabf1356. [Full Text]

  • [3] Yuxuan Hu, Chia-Hui Chen, Yang-Yang Ding, Xiao Wen, Bingbo Wang, Lin Gao, Kai Tan. Optimal control nodes in disease-perturbed networks as targets for combination therapy. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 2180. [Full Text]

  • [4] 高琳胡宇轩叶育森, 张世雄. 单细胞数据驱动的关键问题与挑战中国计算机学会通讯, 2022, 18(4): 28-35. [Full Text]

  • [5] Ran Duan, Lin Gao, Yong Gao, Yuxuan Hu, Han Xu, Mingfeng Huang, Kuo Song, Hongda Wang, Yongqiang Dong, Chaoqun Jiang, Chenxing Zhang, Songwei Jia. Evaluation and comparison of multi-omics data integration methods for cancer subtyping. PLoS Computational Biology, 2021, 17: e1009224. [Full Text]

  • [6] Yang-Yang Ding, Hannah Kim, Kellyn Madden, Joseph P Loftus, Gregory M Chen, David Hottman Allen, Ruitao Zhang, Jason Xu, Chia-Hui Chen, Yuxuan Hu, Sarah K Tasian, Kai Tan. Network analysis reveals synergistic genetic dependencies for rational combination therapy in Philadelphia chromosome–like acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Clinical Cancer Research, 2021, 27(18): 5109-5122. [Full Text]

  • A full list of publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SWlJrycAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN

  • Algorithm implementation and softwares are available at the GitHub page: https://github.com/huBioinfo

Education Background
  • [1]2008.8-2012.7

    西安电子科技大学  | Software Engineering  | Bachelor's degree | University graduated

  • [2]2012.9-2015.1

    西安电子科技大学  | 计算机技术  | Master's degree | Postgraduate (Master's Degree)

  • [3]2015.3-2019.12

    西安电子科技大学  | Computer Applied Technology  | Doctoral Degree in Engineering | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

  • [4]2015.9-2017.9

    宾夕法尼亚大学/费城儿童医院  | 生物信息学 | 国家公派博士联合培养

Work Experience
  • [1] 2020.6-2020.8
    计算机科学与技术学院 | 西安电子科技大学 
  • [2] 2020.8-2024.11
    计算机科学与技术学院 | 西安电子科技大学 
  • [3] 2024.11-Now
    计算机科学与技术学院 | 西安电子科技大学 
Social Affiliations
  • [1]2024.8-2024.8
  • [2]
  • [3]
    领域著名期刊Nature Communications, Science Advances, Genome Biology, Cell Systems (IF=11.091), Small Methods (IF=10.7), eLife (IF=8.713), Intelligent Computing, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Frontiers in Immunology (IF=8.786), Bioinformatics (IF=6.931),  BMC Bioinformatics, Frontiers in Genetics审稿人。
Research Focus
  • [1](1)细胞通讯建模(Cell-Cell Communication Modeling):针对细胞通讯这一基础科学问题,基于单细胞多组学数据,利用图挖掘与机器学习等技术,定义并识别细胞通讯模式,如构建细胞通讯信号转导网络等。

  • [2](2)组织架构解析(Tissue Architecture Discovery):不同细胞在组织或器官中依据某种“未知的规则”交流协作,构成组织细胞邻域(tissue cellular neighborhood),进而实现整个组织或器官的功能。因此,组织细胞邻域的准确识别是深入认识生命系统的重要基础科学问题。我们基于空间多组学数据,利用深度学习等前沿人工智能技术,数字解码组织的空间构成规则。
  • [3](3)肿瘤免疫的量化分析(Quantitative Analysis of Tumor Immunity):利用上述细胞通讯建模和组织架构解析等计算工具,量化肿瘤患者免疫力,识别肿瘤诊断与预后的标志物,以及联合免疫疗法的潜在靶点。

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Academic honor
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