Cao Ke

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Male   City University of Hong Kong   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study   Associate professor  


西安电子科技大学华山菁英学者、副教授、硕士生导师,博士毕业于香港城市大学机械工程学系,主要研究领域为:涂层薄膜材料与器件、微纳力学行为与强韧化机制、力热电多场加载下的原位电镜技术。以第一作者在Nature Communications等期刊发表多篇学术论文,谷歌学术H因子为28,被引2400余次,中国力学学会会员、中国微米纳米技术学会高级会员、中国机械工程学会高级会员,Materials Futures期刊青年编委,MicromachinesFrontiers in Materials期刊客座主编,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省自然科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等项目,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、面上项目,获中国材料研究学会优秀青年学者论坛特邀报告奖、陕西省电子学会自然科学二等奖(排名3/3),入选陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划。


  • 每年招收研究生2-3名

  • 欢迎材料、力学、机械等背景的学生报考


  • 2020.07-至今,西安电子科技大学,副教授

  • 2019.12-2020.06西安电子科技大学,讲师

  • 2019.09-2019.12香港城市大学,副研究员

  • 2016.09-2019.08香港城市大学,博士(导师:陆洋 教授)

  • 2013.09-2016.03,浙江大学,硕士(导师:孟亮 教授)

  • 2009.09-2013.06,中国计量大学,学士


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023.01-2025.12(主持)

  2. 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目,2022.01-2023.12(主持)

  3. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目,2021.01-2022.12(主持)

  4. 新材料力学理论与应用湖北省重点实验室开放课题,2023.01-2024.12(主持)

  5. 西安电子科技大学华山学者人才项目,2020.01-2023.12(主持)

  6. 中央高校基本科研业务费,2021.01-2022.12(主持)

  7. 先进热障涂层体系的强韧和破坏机制,国家自然科学基金重大项目,2019.01至2023.12(参与)

  8. 空天先进材料多场耦合效应创新团队,陕西省创新团队,2022.01至2024.12(参与)

  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,二维材料中单个缺陷的电输运研究,2019.01-2022.12(参与)

  10. 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司,中国航发湖南动力机械研究所等有关单位的委托任务,热障涂层性能评价与验收规范研究等(参与)


  1. 博士研究生:罗俊辉(2023级),硕士研究生:张建权(2021级),赵权林(2021级),张昌兴(2023级)

  2. 指导教师:王超伟,刘艺林,宋阳,巩承玥,马浩毓,胡家苇,靳钰婷,宋国鹏,张天伟,渠成溪,袁华阳,霍建兴,第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西赛区省级复赛,银奖(2023.08)

  3. 指导教师:宋阳,宋国鹏,靳钰婷,2023年中国大学生计算机设计大赛西北地区赛,二等奖(2023.05)

  4. 指导教师:罗军,刘熠,西安电子科技大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(2022),校级

  5. 指导教师:宋阳,步桐,邓泽方,国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目(2020,2021),国家级



Han, Y., Wang, L., Cao, K., Zhou, J., Zhu, Y., Hou, Y. & Lu, Y. In Situ TEM Characterization and Modulation for Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials. Chemical Review 123, 14119-14184 (2023).

Yan, F., Liao, J., Cao, K., Jia, S., Zhou, Y. & Liao, M. Achieving excellent ferroelectric and dielectric performance of HfO2/ZrO2/HfO2 thin films under low operating voltage. J Alloy Compd 968, 172267 (2023).

Wu, L., Feng, X., Cao, K. & Li, G. Toughening Thermoelectric Materials: From Mechanisms to Applications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, 6325 (2023). 

Chen, H. Y., Yan, J. J., Cao, K., Liu, Z. Y., Wu, X., Yang, L., Zhou, Y. C. Friction delamination mechanism of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings in high-temperature and high-speed rotating service environment. Journal of the European Ceramic Society,  (2023).


Luo, C.# , Li, C.#Cao, K.#, Li, J. B., Luo, J. H., Zhang, Q. H., Zhou, Q. Q., Zhang, F., Gu, L., Yang, L., Zhou, Y. C. Ferroelastic domain identification and toughening mechanism for yttrium tantalate-zirconium oxide. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 127, 78-88 (2022).

Feng, S.#Cao, K.#, Gao, Y.#, Han, Y., Liu, Z., Lu, Y., Xu, Z. Experimentally measuring weak fracture toughness anisotropy in graphene. Communications Materials 3,  (2022).

Xu, D., Duan, L., Yan, S., Wang, Y., Cao, K.*, Wang, W., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Hu, L., Gao, L. Monolayer mos(2)-based flexible and highly sensitive pressure sensor with wide sensing range. Micromachines 13, 660 (2022).

Wu, Q., Cao, K., Sun, Y., Li, C., Yang, L., Zhou, Y. Temperature-dependent fracture behaviour of superstructure hf6ta2o17 from ambient temperature to 1600 degrees c. Ceramics International 48, 31461-31469 (2022).

Feng, X.#Cao, K.#, Huang, X., Li, G., Lu, Y. Nanolayered cocrfeni/graphene composites with high strength and crack resistance. Nanomaterials 12, 2113 (2022).


Wang, Y. J., Zhou, W. Z., Cao, K., Hu, X. K., Gao, L. B., Lu, Y. Architectured graphene and its composites: Manufacturing and structural applications. Composites Part a-Applied Science and Manufacturing 140, 106177 (2021).

Peng, L., Han, Y., Wang, M., Cao, X., Gao, J., Liu, Y., Chen, X., Wang, B., Wang, B., Zhu, C., Wang, X., Cao, K., Huang, M., Cunning, B. V., Pang, J., Xu, W., Ying, Y., Xu, Z., Fang, W., Lu, Y., Ruoff, R. S., Gao, C. Multifunctional macroassembled graphene nanofilms with high crystallinity. Advanced Materials 33, e2104195 (2021).

Luo, Z., Peng, B., Zeng, J., Yu, Z., Zhao, Y., Xie, J., Lan, R., Ma, Z., Pan, L., Cao, K., Lu, Y., He, D., Ning, H., Meng, W., Yang, Y., Chen, X., Li, W., Wang, J., Pan, D., Tu, X., Huo, W., Huang, X., Shi, D., Li, L., Liu, M., Shi, Y., Feng, X., Chan, P. K. L., Wang, X. Sub-thermionic, ultra-high-gain organic transistors and circuits. Nature Communications 12, 1928 (2021).

Gao, L. B., Han, Y., Surjadi, J. U., Cao, K., Zhou, W. Z., Xu, H. C., Hu, X. K., Wang, M. Z., Fan, K. Q., Wang, Y. J., Wang, W. D., Espinosa, H. D. Magnetically induced micropillar arrays for an ultrasensitive flexible sensor with a wireless recharging system. Science China-Materials 64, 1977-1988 (2021).


Cao, K., Feng, S., Han, Y., Gao, L., Hue Ly, T., Xu, Z., Lu, Y. Elastic straining of free-standing monolayer graphene. Nature Communications 11, 284 (2020).(ESI高被引论文)

Cao, K., Yang, H. K., Gao, L. B., Han, Y., Feng, J. Y., Yang, H. W., Zhang, H. Y., Wang, W. D., Lu, Y. In situ mechanical characterization of silver nanowire/graphene hybrids films for flexible electronics. Int J Smart Nano Mat 11, 265-276 (2020).

Peng, B., Cao, K., Lau, A. H. Y., Chen, M., Lu, Y., Chan, P. K. L. Crystallized monolayer semiconductor for ohmic contact resistance, high intrinsic gain, and high current density. Advanced Materials 32, e2002281 (2020).

Han, Y.#, Feng, S. Z.#, Cao, K.#, Wang, Y. J., Gao, L. B., Xu, Z. P., Lu, Y. Large elastic deformation and defect tolerance of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers. Cell Reports Physical Science 1, 100172 (2020).

Ma, X., Cao, K., Huang, X., Yang, S., Ye, Y., Shen, R., Yang, G., Zhang, K. In situ synthesized mems compatible energetic arrays based on energetic coordination polymer and nano-al with tunable properties. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 12, 30740-30749 (2020).

Li, P. F., Han, Y., Zhou, X., Fan, Z. X., Xu, S., Cao, K., Meng, F. L., Gao, L. B., Song, J., Zhang, H., Lu, Y. Thermal effect and rayleigh instability of ultrathin 4h hexagonal gold nanoribbons. Matter 2, 658-665 (2020).

Gao, L. B.#Cao, K.#, Hu, X. K., Xiao, R., Gan, B., Wang, W. D., Lu, Y. Nano electromechanical approach for flexible piezoresistive sensor. Appl Mater Today 18, 100475 (2020).


Yang, H. K., Cao, K., Lu, J., Lu, Y. Effects of pd surface coating on the strength and fracture behavior of cu micro bonding wires. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 50a, 3013-3018 (2019).

Yang, H. K., Cao, K., Han, Y., Wen, M., Guo, J. M., Tan, Z. L., Lu, J., Lu, Y. The combined effects of grain and sample sizes on the mechanical properties and fracture modes of gold microwires. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35, 76-83 (2019).

Yang, H., Cao, K., Zhao, X., Liu, W., Lu, J., Lu, Y. Brittle-to-ductile transition of au 2 al and aual 2 intermetallic compounds in wire bonding. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 862-866 (2019).

Wu, G., Liu, C., Sun, L., Wang, Q., Sun, B., Han, B., Kai, J. J., Luan, J., Liu, C. T., Cao, K., Lu, Y., Cheng, L., Lu, J. Hierarchical nanostructured aluminum alloy with ultrahigh strength and large plasticity. Nature Communications 10, 5099 (2019).

Li, P.#Cao, K.#, Jiang, C., Xu, S., Gao, L., Xiao, X., Lu, Y. In situ tensile fracturing of multilayer graphene nanosheets for their in-plane mechanical properties. Nanotechnology 30, 475708 (2019).


Cao, K., Han, Y., Zhang, H., Gao, L., Yang, H., Chen, J., Li, Y., Lu, Y. Size-dependent fracture behavior of silver nanowires. Nanotechnology 29, 295703 (2018).

Song, J., Gao, L. B., Cao, K., Zhang, H. T., Xu, S., Jiang, C. C., Surjadi, J. U., Xu, Y. M., Lu, Y. Metal-coated hybrid meso-lattice composites and their mechanical characterizations. Compos Struct 203, 750-763 (2018).

Song, J., Chen, Y., Cao, K., Lu, Y., Xin, J. H., Tao, X. Fully controllable design and fabrication of three-dimensional lattice supercapacitors. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 10, 39839-39850 (2018).


Cao, K., Li, P. F., Zhang, Y. Z., Chen, T. W., Wang, X., Zhang, S. L., Liu, J. B., Wang, H. T. In situ tem investigation on ultrafast reversible lithiation and delithiation cycling of sn@c yolk-shell nanoparticles as anodes for lithium ion batteries. Nano Energy 40, 187-194 (2017).

Gao, L. B., Cao, K., Zhang, H. T., Li, P. F., Song, J., Surjadi, J. U., Li, Y. F., Sun, D., Lu, Y. Rationally designed nickel oxide ravines@iron cobalt-hydroxides with largely enhanced capacitive performance for asymmetric supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5, 16944-16952 (2017).

Gao, L., Surjadi, J. U., Cao, K., Zhang, H., Li, P., Xu, S., Jiang, C., Song, J., Sun, D., Lu, Y. Flexible fiber-shaped supercapacitor based on nickel-cobalt double hydroxide and pen ink electrodes on metallized carbon fiber. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 9, 5409-5418 (2017).


Cao, K., Kuang, M., Zhang, Y. X., Liu, J. B., Wang, H. T., Meng, L. In-situ tem on the coalescence of birnessite manganese dioxides nanosheets during lithiation process. Mater Res Bull 79, 36-40 (2016).

Xu, Z.-L., Cao, K., Abouali, S., Akbari Garakani, M., Huang, J., Huang, J.-Q., Kamali Heidari, E., Wang, H., Kim, J.-K. Study of lithiation mechanisms of high performance carbon-coated si anodes by in-situ microscopy. Energy Storage Mater 3, 45-54 (2016).

Li, W., Cao, K., Wang, H., Liu, J., Zhou, L., Yao, H. Carbon coating may expedite the fracture of carbon-coated silicon core-shell nanoparticles during lithiation. Nanoscale 8, 5254-5259 (2016).


  1. 中国力学学会会员、中国微米纳米技术学会高级会员、中国机械工程学会高级会员

  2. Materials Futures期刊青年编委,MicromachinesFrontiers in Materials期刊客座主编

  3. IEEE Sensors Journal, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Nanomaterials, Polymers, 2D Materials, Ceramics, Electronics, Materials, Metals, Micromachines, Physica Scripta, Sensors期刊审稿人

Education Background

2016.9 2019.8

  • City University of Hong Kong
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

2013.9 2016.3

  • Zhejiang University
  • Materials Engineering
  • Master's degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

2009.9 2013.7

  • China Jiliang University
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Bachelor's degree
  • University graduated

Work Experience

2019.12 Now
  • 西安电子科技大学

Social Affiliations

Research Focus

  • 原位电镜力学表征
  • 新型热障涂层铁弹增韧机理