Sheng Kai

Personal Information:

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Male   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study   Professor  

Academic Titles:Professor


Kai Sheng, doctor of engineering, joined Xidian University in October, 2020. Now I am working as a professor at the Academy of Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (AAIR). My main research interests include the following fields:

Autonomous driving system and its safety & security

Autonomous and connected driving system with cooperative Intelligence

Image processing and its application

Fusion and localization based on heterogeneous perceptions

Big data mining platform

  I obtained the Bachelor degree of Engineering at the Central South University, China in 2000. In 2003 and 2006, I obtained both the Master and Doctor degree of engineering from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. After my graduation, My main work is focused on the development of Advance Driving Assistant System(ADAS) and Internet of Car in the Technical Research Institute, CARMATE Mfg. Co., Ltd. The system and products with brand “Drivemate”, which I was the developer leader, has been adopted by several companies, highway management institute, traffic police bureau and some universities. Reports and news about the “Drivemate” have exceeded more than 200 times during one year and half. From 2016, I worked as the deputy chief engineer in the Technology Center, Dongfeng motors corporation (DFTC). My main works are in charge of the developing in-vehicle infotainment system for mass-producing vehicles and propose the next generation HMI systems at the E&E department. The developed IVI system have been taken as the main feature of several new-developed cars. The proposed A-pillar blind-spot free system with OLED displayers and cameras has been demonstrated with a new-style HMI with great impact to audiences. With the establishment of Division of Intelligent and Connected Vehicle in DFTC, I was in charge of building a team to develop ADAS system with both latitude and longitude control on multilane. The ADAS system of L2 has been successfully realized on Dongfeng Passenger Vehicles by this team.

  With the development of automated vehicle by self-intelligence, artificial intelligence and communication technology, it is time to combine all of them to realize the automated vehicles or unmanned vehicles with cooperative intelligence, at the same time to ensure the system safety and security. By coming back from industry to academic research,I hope to propose systems with safety, convenience, intelligence and resilience. And any fellows or students from all of the world are welcome to come together our team to make contribution on the field and human lives.

Education Background

2001.4 2006.3

  • University of Tsukuba
  • Information and Communications Engineering
  • Doctoral degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

1996.9 2000.6

  • Central South University
  • Information and Communications Engineering
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)

Work Experience

2020.10 Now
  • Xidian University
  • Academy of Advanced Interdisciplinary Research(AAIR)/ Guangzhou Institute of Technology
  • Professor
  • Foreign students are welcome!
    You can choose the Xi'an, a traditional city for your research, and also you can choose the Guangzhou, a modern and traditonal city in China.

Social Affiliations

2022.8 Now

  • 科技部电动汽车智能化技术入库专家

Research FocusMore>>

  • [Information perception and intelligent system]
    • Sensors and their applications
    • Data collection, shuffling and mining
    • Remote control system
    • System development approach based on digital twins
    • Smart ships and smart oceans
    • Unmanned systems
    • Human-machine collaborative system
  • [Intelligent and Connected Driving (ICD) System]
    • Integrated End-Road-Cloud  system architecture for ICD
    • Dynamic resource scheduling and allocation strategy for ICD
    • Safety and security research on ICD
  • [Simulation for Smart Transportation and Intelligent Driving ]
    • Sensor data, flow and scenario simulation technology
    • Planning, decision and control algorithm simulation
    • SIL, HIL simulation for intelligent driving system
    • Intelligent driving system evaluation by simulation

Research Group

OMEGA means 'Optimization and Mining Knowledge via Artificial Intelligence'.