李焕浩,Ph.D,于 2024 年 3 月加入西安电子科技大学广州研究院,现为菁英副教授,入选教育部海外引才专项。于 2014 年本科毕业取得上海理工大学应用物理理学学士学位,随后分别于 2016 与 2021 年获得香港理工大学机械工程硕士学位与生物医学工程博士学位。在 2021到 2024 年期间,受香港创新科技署资助并入选了香港的创新及科技基金研究人才库,在香港理工大学完成博士后训练。曾参与国自然重大仪器、国自然重点、香港 GRF 与 ITF 等多个研究项目。已发表SCI国际期刊论文二十余篇(含Nature Communications, Advacned Photonics, Photonics Research, Advanced Science等)。同时为 IEEE TPAMI,APL Photonics,Opitcs Letters,Optics Express,Optical and Laser Engineering 等期刊审稿人。
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=jVqvts8AAAAJ
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Huanhao-Li
近期发表论文,其中[ ]为共同一作:
[1] [Zhipeng Yu, Huanhao Li, Wannian Zhao], Po-Sheng Huang, Yu-Tsung Lin, Jing Yao, Wenzhao Li, Qi Zhao, Pin Chieh Wu, Bo Li, Patrice Genevet, Qinghua Song, and Puxiang Lai, "High-security learning-based optical encryption assisted by disordered metasurface," Nature Communications, 15(1):2607, 2024. (综合类中科院一区 TOP)
[2] Huanhao Li, Zhipeng Yu, Tianting Zhong, and Puxiang Lai, "Performance enhancement in wavefront shaping of multiply scattered light: a review," Journal of Biomedical Optics, 29(S1):S11512-S11512, 2023.(中科院二区)
[3] Huanhao Li, Zhipeng Yu, Tianting Zhong, Shengfu Cheng, and Puxiang Lai, "Towards ideal focusing of diffused light via optical wavefront shaping," Advanced Photonics, 5(2):020502, 2023.(光学类中科院一区 TOP)
[4] Huanhao Li, Zhipeng Yu, Qi Zhao, Yunqi Luo, Shengfu Cheng, Tianting Zhong, Chi Man Woo, Honglin Liu, Lihong V. Wang, Yuanjin Zheng, and Puxiang Lai, "Learning-based super-resolution interpolation for sub-Nyquist sampled laser speckles," Photonics Research, 11(4):631-642, 2023.(光学类中科院一区 TOP)
[5] [Qi Zhao, Huanhao Li , Zhipeng Yu], Chi Man Woo, Tianting Zhong, Shengfu Cheng, Yuanjin Zheng, Honglin Liu, Jie Tian, and Puxiang Lai, "Speckle-Based Optical Cryptosystem and its Application for Human Face Recognition via Deep Learning," Advanced Science, 9(25):2202407, 2022.(综合类中科院一区 TOP)
[6] [Zhipeng Yu, Huanhao Li, Tianting Zhong, Jung-Hoon Park], Shengfu Cheng, Chi Man Woo, Qi Zhao, Jing Yao, Yingying Zhou, Xiazi Huang, Weiran Pang, Hansol Yoon, Yuecheng Shen, Honglin Liu, Yuanjin Zheng, YongKeun Park, Lihong V. Wang, and Puxiang Lai, "Wavefront shaping: A versatile tool to conquer multiple scattering in multidisciplinary fields," Innovation, 3(5):100292-100292, 2022.(综合类中科院一区)
[7] [Yunqi Luo, Suxia Yan, Huanhao Li], Puxiang Lai, and Yuanjin Zheng, "Towards smart optical focusing: deep learning-empowered dynamic wavefront shaping through nonstationary scattering media," Photonics Research, 9(8):B262-B278, 2021.(光学类中科院一区 TOP)
[8] Huanhao Li, Chi Man Woo, Tianting Zhong, Zhipeng Yu, Yunqi Luo, Yuanjin Zheng, Xin Yang, Hui Hui, and Puxiang Lai, "Adaptive optical focusing through perturbed scattering media with a dynamic mutation algorithm," Photonics Research, 9(2):202-212, 2021.(光学类中科院一区 TOP)
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