1. 中国博士后科学基金会, 2023年度国家资助博士后研究人员计划C 档, 2024-01 至 2025-12, 24万元, 在研, 主持
2. 新教师科研启动经费(基本科研业务费),12万元,2024.01 - 2025.11,在研,主持
[1] Danyang Yu, Gan Zheng, Arman Shojaeifard, Sangarapillai Lambotharan, Yi Liu, Kalman Filter Based Channel Tracking for RIS-Assisted Multi-User Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3856-3869, Apr. 2024.
[2] Danyang Yu, Yi Liu, Zhe Li, Hailin Zhang, Energy-Efficient Beamforming Design for User-Centric Networks with Full-Duplex Wireless Fronthaul, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 1521-1535, Mar. 2023.
[3] Danyang Yu, Yi Liu, Hailin Zhang, QoS-Guaranteed Resource Allocation for Full-Duplex Networks With M2M/H2H Co-Existence Under Imperfect CSI, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 4536-4544, Jul. 2021.
[4] Danyang Yu, Yi Liu, Pan Shen, Hailin Zhang, Power Allocation for Self-Coded Distributed Space-Time Codes in FD Two-Way Relaying Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 12013-12024, Dec. 2019.
西安电子科技大学 | 通信与信息系统 | Doctoral Degree in Engineering | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
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