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2022年博士毕业于日本庆应义塾大学。同年于日本庆应义塾大学担任博士后研究员。曾在日本产业综合技术研究所(AIST)数字人团队担任研究助理,美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)电子计算机系访问博士生(HiLab, 导师:Yang Zhang)。2023年加入西安电子科技大学广州研究院先进制造技术创新中心(由国家级人才王从思教授带领)。

从事人机交互、可穿戴计算以及检测技术的相关研究。累计发表论文20余篇,以第一/通信作者发表10篇。主要工作发表在传感器检测领域期刊Journal of Power Sources,IEEE Sensors Journal, Sensors and Actuators A等,以及计算机人机交互顶级会议ACM CHI (CCF-A),ACM Ubicomp/IMWUT (CCF-A), ACM MobileHCI(CCF-B)ACM ISS (CCF-B)担任超过10项人机交互方向各类ACM国际会议,IEEE期刊等审稿人。担任可穿戴计算2023/2024 ACM Ubicomp/ISWC程序委员会委员等。

招生:招生方向 硕士研究生 - 计算机技术(专硕)


邮箱地址:xiachengshuo [at] xidian.edu.cn


https://www.victorlamp.com/article/7391283804 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6goHaPTtIGX8Ol2E28G37w





         基于虚拟距离传感器的手势识别       基于VR/AR的交互系统样机制作工具

Sensors and Actuators A'22 第一作者 JCR1区        (coming soon)




结合数字人与音频反馈的自定义健身系统        使用空间音频的非视觉运动康复系统         基于烟雾的交互界面设计

ACM Ubicomp'22  第一作者 CCF-A           ACM MobileHCI'24 第一作者 CCF-B            ACM ISS‘23 通信作者 CCF-B 

               Paper Video                                                         Paper Video                                                   Paper Video                                                                                                     


IEEE Sensor Journal'23 第一作者 中科院2区




交互式土壤微生物燃料电池开发与应用     自供电物联网开发工具包的用户研究  

(coming soon)                                           ACM CHI‘24 第一作者 CCF-A



Chengshuo Xia, Tian Min, Daxing Zhang, and Congsi Wang. Understanding the Needs of Novice Developers in Creating Self-Powered IoT. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI ’24), May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (CCF-A类)

● Chengshuo Xia, Xinrui Fang, Riku Arakawa, and Yuta Sugiura. 2022. VoLearn: A Cross-Modal Operable Motion-Learning System Combined with Virtual Avatar and Auditory Feedback. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol (PACM IMWUT/ACM Ubicomp) 6, 2, Article 81 (June 2022) (CCF-A类视频介绍

● Chengshuo Xia, Daxing Zhang, Witold Pedrycz, Yingmin Zhu and Yongxian Guo. Models for Microbial Fuel Cells: A critical review. Journal of Power Sources. 373(2018):119-131.IF = 9.127;中科院1区;Top

● Chengshuo Xia*, Tian Min*, Yuta Sugiura. AudioMove: Applying the Spaital Audio to Multi-Directional Limb Exercise Guidance. Proceedings of ACM Human Computer Interaction. (PACM HCI/ACM MobileHCI). 2024. (CCF-B类)

● Tian Min, Chengshuo Xia, Takumi Yamamoto, Yuta Sugiura. Seeing the Wind: An Interactive Mist Interface for Airflow Input. Proceedings of ACM Human Computer Interaction. (PACM HCI/ACM ISS). 2023. (通信作者;CCF-B类)

● Chengshuo XiaAtsuya Munakata, and Yuta Sugiura. Privacy-Aware Gait Identification with Ultra-Low Dimensional Data Using a Distance Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2023. (IF = 4.325;中科院2区)

● Chengshuo Xia*Ayane Saito*, Yuta Sugiura. Using the Virtual Data-driven Measurement to Support the Prototyping of Hand Gesture Recognition Interface with Distance Sensor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. (2022)113463 (*Joint first-author) (IF = 4.291; 中科院3区)

● Chengshuo Xia and Yuta sugiura. Virtual Sensors with 3D Digital Human Motion for Interactive Simulation. IEEE Computer. 2023. (IF = 2.256;中科院3区)


● Chengshuo Xia and Yuta Sugiura. 2022. Virtual IMU Data Augmentation by Spring-Joint Model for Motion Exercises Recognition without Using Real Data. The 2022 International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ACM ISWC ’22)(可穿戴计算领域Top会议)

● Chengshuo Xia, and Yuta Sugiura. "From Virtual to Real World: Applying Animation to Design the Activity Recognition System." Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (ACM CHI/Late breaking work) (CCF-A类)

 Chengshuo Xia , Tsubasa Maruyama, Haruki Toda, Mitsunori Tada, Koji Fujita, and Yuta Sugiura. 2022. Knee Osteoarthritis Classification System Examination on Wearable Daily-Use IMU Layout. The 2022 International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ACM ISWC ’22), September 11–15, 2022, Cambridge, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA

● Xinrui Fang *, Takuro Watanabe*, Chengshuo Xia*, Arthur Torck* . Knock Knock: A Children-oriented Vocabulary Learning Tangible User Interaction System. Augmented Humans (AHs) 2022. (21% acceptance rate for short paper) (*Joint first author) 获得日本索尼Sony公司Hackthon最佳作品奖

● Chengshuo Xia , Xinrui Fang, Yuta Sugiura. VoLearn: An Operable Motor Learning System with Auditory Feedback. In Proceedings of The Adjunct Publication of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pp.103 -105, Virtual, presented on October (ACM UIST), 10, 2021. (CCF-A类

● Chengshuo Xia.  Optimal Sensor Position: Exploring the Interface Between the User and Sensor in Activity Recognition System. In Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021. No.: 487. pp. 1–5. Virtual, presented on May 08, (ACM CHI) 2021.CCF-A类


2023 日本信息处理学会 优秀博士论文推荐 (每年共50篇)

2023 日本庆应义塾大学 藤原奖

2022 Cyberworlds Conference. Best Poster Award 最佳海报奖

2020 Entertainment Computing Conference. 娱乐计算会议. 日本信息处理学会举办 Best Paper Award 最佳论文奖

2020 AsianCHI Symposium. 亚洲人机交互会议 Best Paper Award 最佳论文奖

2018 国家奖学金


1. Associate Chair (AC)

    ACM CHI 2022/2023/2024 Late Breaking Works

    ACM Ubicomp/ISWC 2023/2024

2. Reviewers:



    IEEE Sensors Journal

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations