- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:西安电子科技大学
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 在职信息:在岗
- 所在单位:计算机科学与技术学院
- 学科:计算机系统结构
- 办公地点:西安电子科技大学南校区网安大楼A1-0912
- 联系方式:ylshen@mail.xidian.edu.cn
[1] Mode selection and spectrum partition for D2D inband communications: A physical layer security perspective.IEEE Transactions on Communications (中科院II区, CCF B类).2018,67 (1):623-638
[2] Exact secrecy throughput capacity study in mobile ad hoc networks.Ad Hoc Networks (SCI 检索).2018,72 :105-114
[3] Information flow control on encrypted data for service composition among multiple clouds.Distributed and Parallel Databases (SCI 检索).2018,36 (3):511-527
[4] Cutting Long-Tail Latency of Routing Response in Software Defined Networks.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (SCI一区,CCF A类).2018,36 (3):384-396
[5] MtMR: Ensuring MapReduce Computation Integrity with Merkle Tree-Based Verifications.IEEE Transactions on Big Data (SCIE检索).2018,4 (3):418 - 431
[6] Practical Verifiable Computation-A MapReduce Case Study.IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (SCI二区).2018,13 (6):1376-1391
[7] On Secure Wireless Communications for Service Oriented Computing.IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (SCI二区).2015,11 (2):318-328
[8] Generalized Cooperative Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (SCI二区),67 (3):2631-2643
[9] On Security-Delay Trade-Off in Two-Hop Wireless Networks With Buffer-Aided Relay Selection.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (SCI二区,CCF B类).2018,17 (3):1893-1906
[10] Provoking the Adversary by Detecting Eavesdropping and Jamming Attacks: A Game-Theoretical Framework.Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (SCI检索).2018
[11] Trustworthy service composition with secure data transmission in sensor networks.World Wide Web (SCI检索).2018,21 (1):185-200
[12] Bias Based General Framework for Delay Reduction in Backpressure Routing Algorithm.International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication, ICNC 2018.2018 :215-219
[13] DAG-SFC: Minimize the Embedding Cost of SFC with Parallel VNFs.Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2018.2018
[14] Obfuscating program control flow with Intel SGX.International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2018 (CCF A 类).2018
[15] Diamond sketch: Accurate per-flow measurement for real IP streams.INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops.2018
[16] Poster abstract: SALUTE: A strategy-proof auction mechanism for flexible multichannel allocation.INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops.2018
[17] Fast OpenFlow Table Lookup with Fast Update.IEEE INFOCOM 2018.2018
[18] On the rate of successful transmissions in finite slotted Aloha MANETs.Ad Hoc Networks (SCI 检索).2017,62 :76-87
[19] MicroThings: A Generic IoT Architecture for Flexible Data Aggregation and Scalable Service Cooperation.IEEE Communications Magazine (SCI 一区).2017,55 (9):86-93
[20] Physical layer security-aware routing and performance tradeoffs in ad hoc networks.Computer Networks (SCI 检索).2017,123 :77-87