• 其他栏目


    • 教授 博士生导师 研究生导师
    • 主要任职:空间科学与技术学院副院长
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:西安电子科技大学
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 学位:工学博士学位
    • 在职信息:在岗
    • 所在单位:空间科学与技术学院
    • 入职时间: 2013-01-07
    • 学科:飞行器测控与导航制导
    • 办公地点:西电南校区G235西
    • 联系方式:shilei2002yoda@163.com lshi@xidian.edu.cn
    • 电子邮箱:







    1.    2024.1-202701,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,主持,在研;

    2.    2021.1-2023.12,陕西省科技创新团队,主持,在研

    3.    2020.8-2023.12,国家部委重大项目课题,主持,在研

    4.    2020.12-2021.6,国家部委快速支持项目,主持,结题;

    5.     2020.11-2020.10,航天横向课题,主持,结题;

    6.    2019.1-2022.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,结题;

    7.    2019.1-2021.12,陕西省自然科学基金-重点项目1项,主持,结题;

    8.   2018.3-2020.12,国家部委创新特区项目2项,主持,结题;

    9.    2015.1-2019.12, 973子课题, 主持,结题;

    10.    2014.1-2018.12, 973子课题, 主持,结题;

    11.   2014.1-2016.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持,结题。

    12.    2016.1-2017.12,陕西省自然科学面上基金1项,主持,结题。

    13.   2014.1-2015.12,联合实验室基金2项,主持,结题


        1. 2015.1-2017.12,NSFC面上项目1项,主要参研人员,结题

        2. 2010-2015,国家重大专项基础理论和关键技术攻关课题2项,主要参研人员,结题。

        3. 2013.1-2013.12,航天704项目1项子课题,结题。


    第一作者(#)&通讯作者 (*),按年度排序


    1. Wang Y, Shi L(*), Yao B, et al. Propagation Characteristics of the THz Wave in Plasma Sheath Under the Conditions of Ablation of Thermal Protection Materials[J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 3043-3050, 2024.

    2. Shi L(*, #), Liu Z, Bao W, et al. Nonstationary channel model of reentry plasma sheath for spacecraft: Overview, parameter estimation, and perspective[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 37(10): 26-49,2024.【综述,亮点文章】

    3. Du Y, Li X, Shi L(*), et al. A prototype network for hyperspectral image open set classification based on feature invariance and weighted Pearson distance measurement[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62: 1-172024.

    4. Du Y, Li X, Shi L(*), et al. Adaptive learning and expansion of spectral parameters in HITRAN database: A novel SCLB model for predicting high-temperature gas spectra[J]. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2024, 313: 108839.

    5. Sun, S, Wang T, Liu R, Wang Y, Cheng P, Shi L, et al. “Ultrasonic-Assisted Fenton Reaction Inducing Surface Reconstruction Endows Nickel/Iron-Layered Double Hydroxide with Efficient Water and Organics Electrooxidation.” Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, vol. 109, Oct. 2024, p. 107027.

    6. Wu X, Zhang J, Dong G, Shi L, et al. “Characteristics of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Magnetized Plasma Sheath and Practical Method for Blackout Mitigation.” Chinese Physics B, vol. 33, no. 5, May 2024, p. 055201.

    7. Lin S, Zhang M, Cheng X, Shi L, et al. “Dynamic Low-Rank and Sparse Priors Constrained Deep Autoencoders for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection.” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 73, 2024, pp. 1–18. 


    [1] Yuan Shurong; Shi Lei(*); Feng Changzhao; Yao Bo; Li Fangyan; Du Yuefan. Hypersonic Target Recognition Based on the Space-Based Hyperspectral Detector With Deep Learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on plasma science. Early access, 2023, AUG 24.

    [2] Du Yuefan, Li Xiaoping, Shi Lei(*), Li Fangyan, Yuan Shurong. Optimizing Spectral Waveband Selection for Spectral Radiation Detection of Hypersonic Vehicle[J]. IEEE Transactions on plasma science. 50(11): 4683-4692, 2023, JAN 7.

    [3] Yuan Shurong; Shi Lei;(*) Zhai Yutong; Yao Bo; Li Fangyan; Du Yuefan. An unsupervised classification method of flight states for hypersonic targets based on hyperspectral features[J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 36(5): 434-446, 2023, MAY 23.

    [4] Yao Bo, Shi Lei,(*) Li Xiaoping, Wang Yifan, Liu Zongyuan. An Efficient Simulation Method of Quasi-Neutral Plasma Channel for Hypersonic Vehicle Based on Direct Electron Density Mapping[J] IEEE Transactions on plasma science.51(3):827-834. 2023, Mar 20.

    [5] Li Fangyan, Du Minglong, Shi Lei(*), Cui Jiashan, Liang Rihui, Du Yuefan. Gaseous Emission Spectroscopy for Equivalence Ratio Determination in a Thermoacoustic Combustor[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(12):12559-12566. 2023 JUN 15.

    [6] Yao Bo, Shi Lei(*), Li Xiaoping, Wei Hailiang, Liu Yanming. Asymmetry of the Plasma Sheath-Multipath Integrated Channel between a Hypersonic Vehicle and Ground Station[J]. IEEE Transactions on plasma science, Accepted. 2023 Aug 27.


    1.B. Yao, L. Shi(*), X. Li, H. Wei and Y. Liu, "Spatial Selectivity of Plasma Sheath Channel at Millimeter Wave Band for Hypersonic Vehicle," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3183470.

    2.Shi, Lei(#*), Zhang Yuyue, Li Fangyan. Multi-Scale-Band K-distribution Model for Molecules in High Temperature Gases, Journal of Spectroscopy, 2022.SCI)

    3.Lei Shi(#)H. Wei, Y. Liu, B. Yao, and X. Li, "An Adaptive BICM-ID System Based on Binary Orthogonal-Division Dual-Carrier Modulation for the Hypersonic Vehicle Massive 2 x M MIMO Telemetry Channel," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, pp. 1-11, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2022.3173421.SCI)

    4、Shurong Yuan,L. Shi(*), and B. Yao, " A Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm Using Sub-Features Grouping and Binary Accumulation," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Lettersvol. 19, pp. 1-5, 2022,  SCI,中科院二区Github 代码

    5.Y. Liu, H. Wei, L. Shi(*), and B. Yao, "Adaptive protograph-based BICM-ID relying on the RJ-MCMC algorithm: a reliable and efficient transmission solution for plasma sheath channels," Plasma Science and Technology, 2022. . http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2058-6272/ac56ca.(SCI,中科院二区


    1.Hailiang wei, Li Jin,Lei Shi(*) and Yao BoPerformance analysis of Typical Telemetry Modulation Methods under Downlink Integrated Channel of Hypersonic Vehicles,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 3524-3531, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TPS.2021.3119847.

    2.Bo Yao, Lei Shi( *),Xiaoping Li, Experimental study on correlation between amplitude and phase of electromagnetic wave affected by time-varying plasma by amplitude modulated radio frequency plasma generator,Physics of Plasmas, vol. 28, no. 4, p. 042107, 2021, doi: 10.1063/5.0039681.(SCI,中科院三区)(链接

    3.Hailiang wei, Yanming  Liu,Lei Shi( *), and Bo Yao,Modulation, Detection, and Performance for Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems for Hypersonic Vehicle downlink integrated channel. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 6763-6777, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3081929.(SCI,IF:5.539,中科院二区))(链接

    4.Lei Shi(*#), S. Yuan, and B. Yao, "Shi, L.; Yuan, S.; Yao, B. Unconventionally Designed Tracking Loop Adaptable to Plasma Sheath Channel for Hypersonic Vehicles. ," Sensors, vol. 21, no. 1, p. 21, 2021.

    5. D. He, W. Sun, and L. Shi, "The Realistic 3D Group Mobility Model Based on Spiral Line for Aerial Backbone Network," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 3817-3830, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3065056.(SCI,IF:5.539, 通信权威,中科院二区))


    1.H. Wei, Y. Liu, B. Yao, Lei Shi(*) and X. Li, "Binary Orthogonal-Division Dual-Carrier Modulation for Hypersonic Vehicle Downlink Massive 2 x M MIMO Systems With Noncoherent ML Detection," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,   vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 3573-3581, 2020, (SCI,等离子体权威,中科院4区)

    2.Hailiang wei, Yanming  Liu,Lei Shi( *), and Bo Yao , A 3-D Total-Field/Scattered-Field Plane-Wave Source for the FDTD Analysis of Re-entry Plasma Sheath,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 6214-6225, 2020. (IF:4.388, 电波类TOP,中科院二区)

    3.Shi, Lei(#); Zhu, Congying(*); Zhao, Lei; Yuan, Shurong; Yao, Bo; Li, Xiaoping: 'Fast Doppler shift acquisition method for hypersonic vehicle communications', IET Communications, 2020, 14, (3), p. 474-479.(SCI, JCR:Q2, IF:1.779)

    4.Lei Shi(*, #) , Lei Zhao, Yanming  Liu, and Qi Li Spatial-polarization diversity HAP-MIMO transmission system for emergency high-capacity mobile communications,AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,vol.115, p. 152816,2020 (SCI,  中科院二区,JCR:Q2, IF:3.183)

    5.J. Zhang, X. Ji, K. Yang, L. Shi, and Q. Wang, "Energy dissipation and power deposition of electromagnetic waves in the plasma sheath," Plasma Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 015404,2020, doi: 10.1088/2058-6272/abc946.(SCI,  中科院二区)

    6.D. He, W. Sun and L. Shi, "The Novel Mobility Models Based on Spiral Line for Aerial Backbone Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 11297-11314, 2020, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2965616.(SCI: 000525406600052)   

    7. D. He, W. Sun and L. Shi, "The Authentic 3D Mobility Model Based on Spiral Line for Aerial Backbone Network," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 125592-125609, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3007966.(SCI: 000554572000001)


    1.Lei Shi(*, #), B. Yao, L. Zhao, C. Wang, H. Wei, and Y. Liu, "Effective Transmission Method with Adaptive Nonstationary Channel Equalization for Hypersonic Reentry Communications," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 47, pp. 2590-2601, 2019.

    2Lei Shi(*, #), Bo Yao, Lei Zhao, Yanming Liu,Xiaoping Li,“Electromagnetic Coupling Effect in the Complex Integrated Channel of Hypersonic Vehicles and its Experimental Verification”, Physics of Plasmas , vol. 26, p. 043501, 2019. (SCI, JCR:Q2, IF:1.94,中科院二区)

    3. Y. Bo, L. Xiaoping, S. Lei(*), L. Yanming, and Z. Conggying, "A Semi-Geometrical and Semi-Stochastic Integrated Channel Model for Hypersonic Vehicle: A Physical Perspective," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ,vol. 68, pp. 4328-4341, 2019.(SCI,EI,   IF: 5.539, 中科院二区)

    4. C. Zhu, X. Li, L. Shi(*), Y. Liu, and B. Yao, "A new nonlinear Type3-PLL with noise rejection and fast locking performance in tracking telemetry and command systems," Acta Astronautica, vol. 157, pp. 397-403,2019..(SCI,EI,IF:2.482, 中科院二区)

    5.J. Zhang, X. Ji, K. Yang, L. Shi, and Q. Wang, "Energy dissipation and power deposition of electromagnetic waves in the plasma sheath," Plasma Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 015404, 2020/12/04 2020, doi: 10.1088/2058-6272/abc946..(SCI,EI,中科院二区)


    1. Shi, Lei(*, #), Huiting Yang, Bowen Bai, Wei Liu, Bo Yao, Yanming Liu, and Xiaoping Li. "Transmission Channel Characteristics of Relay Dual-Polarization MIMO System for Hypersonic Vehicles Under Plasma Sheath," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 917-927, 2018. (SCI,EI)

    2. L. Zhao, Lei Shi(*), and C. Zhu, "New Nonlinear Second-Order Phase-Locked Loop with Adaptive Bandwidth Regulation," Electronics,vol. 7, p. 346, 2018.(SCI,EI)

    3. B. Yao, X. Li, Lei  Shi(*),Y. Liu, and B. Bai, "A layered fluctuation model of electron density in plasma sheath and instability effect on electromagnetic wave at Ka band," Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 78, pp. 480-487, 2018. (SCI,EI,IF:2.829,中科院二区)


    1. Shi Lei(*, #), Yao Bo, Zhao Lei, Liu Xiaotong,Yang Min, Liu Yanming,An integrative time - varying frequency detection and channel sounding method for dynamic plasma sheath, AIP Advances,2017.(SCI,EI)

    2. Yao B, Li X, Shi Lei(*), Liu Y, Lei F, Zhu C: Plasma sheath: An equivalent nonlinear mirror between electron density and transmitted electromagnetic signal.Physics of Plasmas, 2017, 24.(SCI,EI)

    3. Yao B, Li X, Shi Lei(*), Liu Y, Zhu C: A Multiscale Model of Reentry Plasma Sheath and Its Nonstationary Effects on Electromagnetic Wave Propagation. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2017, 45:2227-2234.(SCI,EI).

    4. Congying Zhu, Xiaoping  Li, Lei  Shi(*), Yanming Liu, and Bo Yao, "Influence of Time-Varying Plasma Sheath on the Lock Condition of Phase-Locked Loop for TT&C Carrier Tracking System," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 45, pp. 636-643, 2017.(SCI,EI)

    5. Z. Congying, Shi Lei(*), L. Xiaoping, L. Yanming, and A. Wei, "Lock threshold deterioration induced by antenna vibration and signal coupling effects in the hypersonic vehicle carrier tracking system of the Ka band," Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,vol. 31, pp. 776-781, 2017. (SCI,EI,IF:2.095, 2017中科院二区)

    6.Z. Congying, L. Xiaoping, Shi Lei(*), and L. Yanming, "Improved Type3-PLL to Mitigate Parasitic Amplitude Modulation Effects Caused by Time-varying Plasma Sheath," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,vol. 45, pp. 3188 - 3194, 2017.

    7. Lei Shi(*, #), Jinxing Wei, Xiaoping Li, Bo Yao, "Dynamic selection of relay node based on channel fading coefficient for reentry hypersonic vehicles " Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 73, pp. 177-185, 2017.(EI)

    Before 2016

    1. Lei SHI(*, #), Yanming Liu, Fang Shuixun,Xiaoping Li, Bo Yao,Min Yang "Adaptive Multi-state   Markov Channel Modeling Method for Reentry Dynamic Plasma Sheath",IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science .2016.Vol 44,No.7,pp.1083-1093 (SCI,EI)

    2.Z. Liu, W. Bao, X. Li, Lei Shi, and D. Liu, "Influences of Turbulent Reentry Plasma Sheath on Wave Scattering and Propagation," Plasma Science & Technology, vol. 18, pp. 617-626, Jun 2016. (SCI,等离子体权威期刊,中科院二区)

    3. Lei SHI(*, #), Lei Zhao, Bo Yao,Xiaoping Li,"Telemetry Channel Capacity Assessment for Reentry Vehicles under Plasma Sheath Environment",Plasma Science and Technology.2015.Vol 17,No.12,pp.1006–1012 (SCI,等离子体权威期刊,中科院二区)

    4. Lei Shi(*, #), L. Zhao, Z. Qiao, and Z. Guo, "A New Statistical WRELAX Algorithm Under Nakagami Multipath Channel Based on Delay Power Spectrum Characteristic," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol 82,pp.1483–1495, 2015.(SCI,EI)

    5. B. Bai, X. Li, Y. Liu, J. Xu, Lei Shi, and K. Xie, "Effects of Reentry Plasma Sheath on the Polarization Properties of Obliquely Incident EM Waves," Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 42, pp. 3365-3372, 2014. (SCI,EI)

    6. L.X.-P. Yang Min, Liu Yan-Ming, Shi Lei, Xie Kai, "Propagation of electromagnetic signals in the time-varying plasma," Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 63, pp. 85201-085201, 2014-04-20 2014. (SCI,EI)

    7.L. Zhiwei, B. Weinmin, L. Xiaoping, Shi Lei, and L. Donglin, "Influences of Turbulent Reentry Plasma Sheath on Wave Scattering and Propagation," Plasma Science and Technology, vol. 18, pp. 617-626, 2016. ((SCI,等离子体权威期刊,中科院二区))

    8.高平, 李小平, 谢楷, 刘彦明,石磊, "等离子体对GPS信号载噪比的影响," 航空学报, vol. 36, pp. 633-639, 2015. (EI)

    9. Shi, Lei(*, #), Bai, B.W., Liu, Y.M., and Li, X.P.: 'Navigation Antenna Performance Degradation Caused by Plasma Sheath', Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2013, 27, (4), pp. 518-528(SCI,EI)

    10. SHI Lei(*, #),GUO Baolong,LIU Yanming,LI Jiangting,Characteristic of Plasma Sheath Channel and Its Effect      on Communication,Progress in electromagnetic research,Vol 123,pp.321-336,2012  (SCI,EI).

    11.杨敏, 李小平, 刘彦明, 石磊, 谢楷, "信号在时变等离子体中的传播特性," 物理学报, pp. 085201-1-085201-10, 2014. (SCI,EI)

    12.杨敏, 李小平, 谢楷, 刘彦明, 石磊, "电磁信号在时变等离子体中传播的调制效应," 宇航学报, vol. 34, pp. 842-847, 2013. (EI)

    13.高平, 李小平, 杨敏, 石磊,刘彦明, "时变等离子鞘套相位抖动对GPS导航的影响," 宇航学报, vol. 34, pp. 1330-1336, 2013. (EI)

    14.SHI Lei(*, #),GUO Baolong,LIU Yanming,ZHAO Lei,Research on Complex Channel Characteristic for Hypersonic Vehicles,Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences,Vol 123,No.1,pp.321-336328-335页,2012 (EI).

    15.石磊(*, #),郭宝龙,刘彦明,赵蕾,一种低复杂度LMMSE信道估计算法,西电电子科技大学学报,第38卷,第2期,24-28页,2012 (EI).

    16.石磊(*, #),郭宝龙,刘彦明,赵蕾,临近空间高超声速飞行器综合信道模型研究,宇航学报,第32卷,第7期,1557-1563页,2010 (EI).


    1.石磊,边志耀,刘彦明,郭振,李小平,时域自相关Nakagami-m衰落复信道仿真方法,中国,ZL 201610235470.5(授权)

    2.石磊,刘彦明,黄慈宁,李小平,一种MFSK伪装为跳频体制的抗截获方法, ZL201510998142.6(授权)

    3.石磊,赵蕾,郭振,刘彦明,李小平, 基于权重法Nakagami复衰落随机序列生成方法, 中国, ZL 201510096288.1(授权)

    4.石磊,姚博,李小平,杨敏,黄慈宁,刘彦明,一种快速的动态等离子鞘套电波传播计算方法,中国,ZL 201510589009.5(授权)

    5. 石磊,方水汛,李小平,姚博,杨敏,刘彦明 ,一种再入动态等离子鞘套马尔科夫信道建模方法,中国,ZL 201510513924.6(授权)

    6.石磊李小平刘彦明杨敏周辉姚博,  "一种临近空间动态等离子鞘套信道建模建模及模拟方法," 中国,ZL 201410583216.5(授权)

    7.石磊郭振刘彦明赵蕾李小平,  姚博, "一种Nakagami复衰落信道建模方法," 中国 ZL201410288810.1(授权)

    8. 李小平杨敏刘彦明谢楷石磊白博文, "等离子体中电波传播实验装置," 中国 ZL 201210254995.5(授权)

    9. 李小平白博文秦永强谢楷石磊,  刘彦明, "基于寄生谐振频点的天线阻抗自动匹配装置及方法," 中国,ZL201210245612.8 (授权)









