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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Wantao Ning
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Associate professor graduate teacher
Paper Publications
[1]Wantao Ning and Hao Li, The generalized 3-connectivity of exchanged folded hypercubes, Axioms 13 (3) (2024) 194.
[2]Wantao Ning and Litao Guo, The generalized 3-connectivity of exchanged crossed cube, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 35 (8) (2024) 975-985.
[3]Wantao Ning and Litao Guo, Connectivity and super connectivity of the exchanged 3-ary n-cube, Theoretical Computer Science 923 (2022) 160–166.
[4]B. Li, J.F. Lan, W.T. Ning, Y.C. Tian, X. Zhang and Q. Zhu, h-extra r-component connectivity of interconnection networks with application to hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Science 895 (2021) 68-74.
[5]Wantao Ning and Hao Li, The generalized measure of edge fault tolerance in exchanged crossed cube, Theoretical Computer Science 861 (2021) 80–84.
[6]Wantao Ning, Connectivity and super connectivity of the divide-and-swap cube, Theoretical Computer Science 842 (2020) 1–5.
[7]Wantao Ning, The Connectivity of Exchanged Folded Hypercube, Parallel Processing Letters 30 (1) (2020) 2050003 (5 pages).
[8]Qiuli Li and Wantao Ning, Matching preclusion for exchanged hypercubes, Journal of Interconnection Networks, 19 (3) (2019) 1940008 (9 pages).
[9]Wantao Ning, The h-connectivity of exchanged crossed cube (vol 696, pg 65, 2017), Theoretical Computer Science 705 (2018) 118-121.
[10]Wantao Ning, The h-connectivity of exchanged crossed cube, Theoretical Computer Science 696 (2017) 65–68.
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