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个人信息:Personal Information
讲师 研究生导师
联系方式:liliu(AT)xidian.edu.cn https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Li-Liu-84
个人简介:Personal Profile
2016年于华中科技大学获“控制科学与工程”博士学位。2016年至今就职于空间科学与技术学院导航控制系。2021年-2023年受国家留学基金委资助在芬兰赫尔辛基大学从事博士后研究工作。主要结合物理模型与深度学习模型开展面向实时应用的红外图像复杂背景抑制,多源图像融合以及目标识别等研究,目前在IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Signal Processing, IEEE Photonics Journal, Infrared Physics & Technology, Journal of the Optical Society of America A等国际知名期刊上发表十余篇高质量SCI论文,担任TIP, TGRS, IEEE Photonics J., Infrared Physics & Technology等重要期刊的审稿人。
1. 2024-2025、2017-2019 航空科学基金;
2. 2018-2021 国家自然科学基金;
1 Li Liu, Ji Liu, Luping Xu, Petri Pellikka, “Pansharpening by Combining Enhanced SpatialSpectral Fidelity and Gradient-Domain Guided Filtering,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and
Remote Sensing, 2023, 16: 5231-5246.
2 Li Liu , Luping Xu, Houzhang Fang, “Simultaneous Intensity Bias Estimation and Stripe Noise Removal in Infrared Images Using the Global and Local Sparsity Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and
Remote Sensing, 2020, 58(3): 1777-1789.
3 Li Liu , Luping Xu, Houzhang Fang, “Infrared and visible image fusion and denoising via ℓ2 - ℓp norm minimization,” Signal Processing, 2020, 172: 0-107546.
4 Chang, Yi; Yan, Luxin; Liu, Li; Fang, Houzhang; Zhong, Sheng, “Infrared Aerothermal Nonuniform Correction via Deep Multiscale Residual Network,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote SensingLetters, 2019, 16(7):
5 Li Liu, Tianxu Zhang, “Optics temperature-dependent nonuniformitycorrection via ℓ0-regularized prior for airborne infrared imaging systems,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 2016,8(5).
6 Li Liu, Tianxu Zhang, “Intensity non-uniformity correction of aerothermal images via ℓp-regularized minimization,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2016, 33(11):2206-2212.
7 L. Liu, L. Yan, H. Zhao, et al,“Correction of aeroheating-induced intensity nonuniformity in infrared images,” Infrared Physics & Technology, 2016, 76, 235-241.
8 L. Liu , W. Meng , Y. Li, et al, “Influence of aero-optical transmission on infrared imaging optical system in the supersonic flight,” Infrared Physics & Technology, 2015, 68:110-118.
9 L. Liu, W. Meng, Y. Li, Z. Zuo, and X. Dai, “Analysis and modeling of aerothermal radiation based on experimental data,” Infrared Physics & Technology, 2014, 62, 18–28.
10 刘立; 一种基于 L1-L0 范数最小化的气动热辐射图像自动校正方法, 2020-5-8, 中国, CN202010383082.8
11 张天序,刘立一种气动热辐射图像自动校正方法, 2015-9-2, 中国,201510560251X
1. 基于物理模型的气动热辐射图像校正模型与算法
2. 红外图像复杂背景噪声抑制模型与算法
3. 红外图像与可见光图像融合模型与算法
4. 数据和模型混合驱动的全色图像与多光谱图像融合模型与算法