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Hi! This is Jingtan CHEN. I graudated from City University of Hong Kong in 2024 and has pubulished more than 20 high-impact papers, including 8 first-author paper in Energy, International Jounral of Heat and Mass Transfer , Applied Thermal Engineering, and etc.

My past research focused on micro/nanoscale surface modification for boiling and condensation heat transfer enhancement. Now, I focus on electronic cooling utilizing phase change processes, such as vapor chamber and embedding microchannel flow boiling. I am looking forward to collaborating with you on advanced electronic cooling techniques.

Featured Papers:

[1] Chen, J., Ahmad, S., Cai, J., Liu, H., Lau, K. T., & Zhao, J. (2021). Latest progress on nanotechnology aided boiling heat transfer enhancement: A review. Energy215, 119114. [LINK]

[2] Chen, J., Dong, K., Ni, S., Deng, W., Yang, X., Wang, C., & Zhao, J. (2024). Optimization design for sustainable condensation via polymer-deposited nanoengineered surface. Applied Thermal Engineering, 243, 122565.  [LINK]

[3] Chen, J., Ahmad, S., Deng, W., Cai, J., & Zhao, J. (2022). Micro/nanoscale surface on enhancing the microchannel flow boiling performance: A Lattice Boltzmann simulation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 205, 118036. [LINK]

[4] Chen, J., Liu, H., & Dong, K. (2023). Experimental and LBM simulation study on the bubble dynamic behaviors in subcooled flow boiling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 206, 123947. [LINK]

[5] Chen, J., Dong, K., He, S., Deng, W., & Zhao, J. (2023). Investigation of biphilic microgroove surface on condensation Enhancement: A 3D Lattice Boltzmann method study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 219, 119520. [LINK]

[6] Chen, J., Shi, D., Khan, S. A., Dong, K., Abd Allah, A. M., & Zhao, J. (2024). An LBM study of multichannel flow boiling for electronic thermal management coupling flow instability mitigation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 239, 122049. [LINK]

Education Background

Work Experience

2024.3 Now
  • 西安电子科技大学广州研究院

Social Affiliations

  • Journal reviewer: Applied Thermal Engineering, Computers and Fluids, Heat and Mass transfer, etc.

Research FocusMore>>

  • Coupled Structural-Electromagnetic-Thermal Modelling
  • Electronic thermal management
  • Micro/nanoscale structure design