2011年和2016 年,分别在澳大利亚伍仑贡大学,获得硕士和博士学位。
2017年至2019 年,在英国班戈大学电子工程学院从事博士后工作。
2020年至2021 年,在英国南威尔士大学工程学院任讲师,博士生导师。
目前已发表SCI期刊论文 32 篇,其中第一/通讯作者 18 篇。国际会议论文 14 篇,其中第一/通讯作者 10 篇。主要研究半导体激光器及其应用。
英国研究与创新局 (UKRI) 的基金评审专家。20多家光学和光电子学、电子学国际知名期刊论文评审专家,并审阅了 100 余篇手稿。
Member of IEEE, IEEE Photonics Society and OPTICA (formerly the Optical Society of America)
Recent Journal Publications (*Corresponding Author):
1. 2024: Y. Fan*, J. Zhang and K. A. Shore, "External optical feedback effects in electrically pumped semiconductor nano-laser arrays," Optics Express.
2. 2024: Y. Fan*, J. Zhang and K. A. Shore, "Threshold gain reduction in tandem semiconductor nano-lasers," Photonics.
3. 2024: D. Gao, C. Ma, Y. Fan*, Y. Wang* and X. Shao*, "Prediction of optical chaos using a multi-stage extreme learning machine with data uncertainty," Optics Express.
4. 2024: Y. Fan, C. Ma, D. Gao*, Y. Wang* and X. Shao, "Prediction of optical chaos using a comparative adaptive extreme learning machine with a variable forgetting factor," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
5. 2024: C. Evered, K. Li and Y. Fan*, “Experimental study of the influence of variable external optical feedback on visible laser diode speckle,” Optics Letters.
6. 2024: Y. Wang, C. Ma, C. Hu, D. Gao*, Y. Fan and X. Shao, “BLSTM convolution and self-attention network enabled recursive and direct prediction for optical chaos,” Optics Letters.
7. 2024: Y. Fan*, T. Shi, J. Zhang and K. A. Shore, “Optical injection effects in electrically pumped semiconductor nano-laser arrays,” Optics Express.
8. 2024: Y. Fan*, K. A. Shore and X. Shao, “Optical frequency comb generation in gain switched semiconductor nanolasers with optical injection,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
9. 2023: Y. Fan*, K. A. Shore and X. Shao, “Dynamics of electrically pumped semiconductor nano-laser arrays,” Photonics.
10. 2023: Y. Fan*, S. An, K. A. Shore and X. Shao, “Tailoring the direct current modulation response of electrically pumped semiconductor nano-laser arrays,” Photonics.
11. 2023: Y. Fan* and K. A. Shore, “Generation of optical frequency combs using gain switched semiconductor nanolasers,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
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