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副教授 研究生导师











个人简介:Personal Profile

冯晓莉,副教授,硕士生导师,江苏南通人。2005.7本科毕业于兰州大学,2005.9--2010.12在兰州大学硕博连读,导师为傅初黎教授,期间于2009.10--2010.9在瑞典林雪平大学进行联合培养,导师为Lars Elden教授。2011年来西安电子科技大学数学与统计学院工作,2012.4--2015.1在西安电子科技大学进行博士后工作,导师为刘三阳教授。2018.9--2019.9在美国普渡大学进行访问交流,合作导师为李培军教授。


研究方向:1. 数值计算;2.快速算法;3.小波分析;4.傅里叶分析;5.随机微分方程;6.偏微分方程中的反问题。

论文情况:发表论文34篇,其中一作论文18篇,3篇论文发表在反问题顶级期刊《Inverse Problems》上。

[35] Yun Zhang, Xiaoli FengUniqueness of identifying multiple parameters in a time-fractional Cattaneo equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 163, 109438, 2025.

[34] Xiaoli Feng, Chen Chen, Yun Zhang, Qiang Yao, Reconstructing a Random Source for a Stochastic Equation With Biharmonic Operator With Fractional White Noise, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.10618.

[33] Xiaoli Feng, Qiang Yao, Yun Zhang, Inverse a time-dependent potential problem of a generalized time-fractional super-diffusion equation with a nonlinear source from a nonlocal integral observation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 138, 108197, 2024.

[32] Xiaoli Feng, Qiang Yao, Peijun Li, Xu Wang, An inverse source problem for the stochastic multi-term time-fractional diffusion-wave equation, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 2025.

[31] Xiaoli Feng, Xiaoyu Yuan, Meixia Zhao, Zhi Qian, Numerical methods for the forward and backward problems of a time-space fractional diffusion equation, Calcolo, (2024) 61:16, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10092-024-00567-3.

[30] Yun Zhang, Xiaoli Feng,  A nonstationary iterated Quasi-Boundary value method for reconstructing the source term in a time-space fractional diffusion equation,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 440, 115612, 2024.

[29] Xiaoli Feng, Peijun Li, Xu Wang, An inverse potential problem for the stochastic diffusion equation with a multiplicative white noise, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 18(1), 271-285, 2024.

[28] Xiaoli Feng, Chen Chen,  The backward problem of a stochastic PDE with biharmonic operator driven by fractional Brownian motion, Applicable Analysis, 102(18), 4972-4996, 2023.

[27] Xiaoli Feng, Lizhi Zhao, The Backward Problem of Stochastic Convection–Diffusion Equation, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 45:3535–3560, 2022.

[26] Xiaoli Feng, Meixia Zhao, Zhi Qian, A Tikhonov regularization method for solving a backward time-space fractional diffusion problem, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,411:114236,2022.

[25] Xiaoli Feng, Meixia Zhao, Peijun Li and Xu Wang, An inverse source problem for the stochastic wave equation, Inverse Problems & Imaging, 16(2): 397-415, 2022.

[24] Xiaoli Feng,  Peijun Li, Xu Wang, An inverse random source problem for the time fractional diffusion equation driven by a fractional Brownian motion, Inverse Problems, 36(2020), 045008 (30pp), 2020.

[23] Xiaoli Feng*, and Zhiqian, An a-posteriori wavelet method for solving two kinds of ill-posed problems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95(9), 1893-1909, 2018.

[22] Chunyu Qiu, Xiaoli Feng, A wavelet method for solving backward heat conduction problems, Electron. J. Differential Equations,  2017 (219), 1-19, 2017.

[21] Zhi Qian*, and Xiao-Li Feng, A fractional Tikhonov method for solving a Cauchy problem of Helmholtz equation, Applicable Analysis, 96(10), 1656-1668, 2017.

[20] Xiaoli Feng*, and Wantao Ning, A Wavelet regularization method for solving analytic continuation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 92(5), 1025-1038, 2015.

[19] Xiao-Li Feng*, and Lars Eldén, Solving a Cauchy problem for a 3D elliptic PDE with variable coefficients by a quasi-boundary-value method, Inverse Problems, 30(1), 015005(17pp), 2014.

[18] Xiao-Li Feng*, Wantao Ning, and Zhi Qian, A Quasi-Boundary-Value method for a Cauchy problem of an elliptic equation in multiple dimensions, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 22(7), 1045-1061, 2014.

[17] Hao Cheng, Xiao-Li Feng, A new filtering method for the Cauchy problem of the Laplace equation,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91(12), 2621-2630, 2014.

[16] Zhi Qian*, and Xiao-Li Feng, Numerical solution of a 2D inverse heat conduction problem, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 21(3), 467-484, 2013.

[15] Zhi-Liang Deng*, Xiao-Mei Yang, and Xiao-Li Feng, A mollification regularization method for a fractional-diffusion inverse heat conduction problem, Mathematical Problems In Engineering,  2013, 9 pages, 2013.

[14] Hao Cheng*, Chu-Li Fu, and Xiao-Li Feng, An optimal filtering method for stable analytic continuation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236, 2582-2589, 2012. 

[13] Xiao-Li Feng*, Chu-Li Fu, and Hao Cheng, A regularization method for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 3301-3315, 2011.

[12] Zhi-Liang Deng*, Chu-Li Fu, Xiao-Li Feng, and Yun-Xiang Zhang, A mollification regularization method for stable analytic continuation,  Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81, 1593-1608, 2011.

[11] Hao Cheng*, Chu-Li Fu, and Xiao-Li Feng, An optimal filtering method for the Cauchy problem of the Helmholtz equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 24, 958-964, 2011.

[10] Xiao-Li Feng, Lars Eldén and Chu-Li Fu, A quasi-boundary-value method for the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations with nonhomogeneous Neumann data, Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 18(2010), 617-645.

[9] Xiao-Li Feng, Lars Eldén and Chu-Li Fu, Stability and regularization of a backward parabolic PDE with variable coefficients, Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 18(2010), 217-243.

[8] Chu-Li Fu,  Xiao-Li Feng and Zhi Qian, Wavelets and high order numerical differentiation,  Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34(2010), 3008-3021.

[7] Hao Cheng, Xiao-Li Feng and Chu-Li Fu, A mollification regularization method for the Cauchy problem of an elliptic equation in a multi-dimensional case, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 18(2010), 971-982.

[6] Chu-Li Fu, Xiao-Li Feng and Zhi Qian, The Fourier regularization for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 59(2009), 2625-2640.

[5] Chu-Li Fu, Zhi-Liang Deng, Xiao-Li Feng and Fang-Fang Dou, A modified Tikhonov regularization for stable analytic continuation, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47(2009),  2982-3000.

[4] Hao Cheng, Chu-Li Fu and Xiao-Li Feng, Determining surface heat flux in the steady state for the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation,  Applied Mathematics and Computation, 211(2009), 374-382.

[3] Xiao-Li Feng, Zhi Qian and Chu-Li Fu, Numerical approximation of solution of nonhomogeneous backward heat conduction problem in bounded region, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79(2008), 177-188.

[2] Chu-Li Fu, Fang-Fang Dou, Xiao-Li Feng and Zhi Qian, A simple regularization method for stable analytic continuation, Inverse Problems, 24(2008), 065003(15pp).

[1] Zhi Qian, Chu-Li Fu and Xiao-Li Feng, A modified method for high order numerical derivatives, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182 (2006), 1191-1200.


(5) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划,面上项目,2024JC-YBMS-034, 三类随机反问题的理论分析与数值重构,2024-1至2025-12,5万,在研,主持

(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,61877046, 有限资源下多层网络鲁棒性的优化,2019-1至2022-12,50万,已结题,参与

(3) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,11401456,三维椭圆方程Cauchy 问题的正则化方法,2015-1 至2017-12,22 万元,已结题,主持

(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,11171136,不适定问题非经典正则化方法有关问题的研究,2012-1 至2015-12,40 万元,已结题,参与

(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,数学天元项目,11126187, 柱形区域上变系数椭圆方程Cauchy 问题的数值计算,2012-1 至2012-12,3 万元,已结题,主持




























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