曾获得陕西省优秀博士论文。曾获博士国家奖学金、硕士国家奖学金及其他命名奖学金。目前以第一或通讯作者已在Corrosion Science、Applied Surface Science、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Ceramics International等国际知名期刊发表论文24篇。
1)Chunyu Cheng, Wei Xie, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*. Evaporation behavior of SiO2 glass doped with various transition metal oxides. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2021, 104: 3130-3138.
2)Chunyu Cheng, Wei Xie, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*. Oxygen adsorption on ideal ZrB2 and ZrC surfaces. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 830: 154655.
3)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*. Effect of stretching on the initial oxidation of 3C-SiC nanowire by first-principle simulation. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 483: 170-177.
4)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*, Lu Li, Liping Guo. Influence of Al2O3 on the oxidation resistance of SiC ceramic: First-principle study and experiment. Corrosion Science, 2018, 134: 57-63.
5)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*, Liping Guo. A SiCnw/PyC -toughened ZrB2-SiC coating for protecting Si-SiC coated C/C composites against oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 457: 360-366.
6)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*, Liping Guo. Effect of Al2O3 on the densification and oxidation behavior of SiC coating for carbon/carbon composites, Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 12702-12708.
7)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*, Lu Li, et al. Effects of pyrocarbon on morphology stability of SiC nanowires at high temperatures, Journal of the American ceramic society, 2018, 101: 3694-3702.
8)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*, Jinjin Li. Synthesis of SiC nanonecklaces via chemical vapor deposition in the presence of a catalyst. Crystengcomm, 2017, 19, 952-957.
9)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*, Liping Guo, Jia Sun, Xuemin Yin. Effect of Zr doping on the high-temperature stability of SiO2 glass. Computational Materials Science, 2018: 147, 81-86.
10)Chunyu Cheng, Hejun Li*, Qiangang Fu*. Initial oxidation of ZrB2(0001) from first-principles calculations. Computational Materials Science, 2018: 153, 282-287.
西北工业大学 | Materialogy | Doctoral degree | Postgraduate (Doctoral)
东北大学 | Mechanical Manufacture and Automation | Master's degree | Postgraduate (Master's Degree)
东北大学 | Mechanical Manufacture and Automation | Bachelor's degree | University graduated
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